In order to move forward with the initial stages of our development, we undertook to raise funding for a feasibility study. This was supported by a Conservation Statement from our appointed architect, G Paterson Architect Ltd.

The following forms their Conservation Statement and lays out where the main areas of concern lie from the outset and where we will focus our efforts in these first stages of development.






We have been asked to help assist a recent community start up, THURSO ON BOARD CIC to make good and convert the former St Andrews Church into a community facility for all in general and the young in particular who have limited access to indoor youth facilities. The building is statutorily protected, is category B-listed and is located within the Thurso conservation area. It is therefore an important heritage asset within the area. Due to a lack of maintenance in recent years it has fallen into disrepair and the initial priority is to make it structurally sound and wind/ watertight.

The capital work required for the repair and alterations is anticipated to include renewed roof covering, repair of structural timbers, making good and re-pointing to masonry, making good rainwater goods generally and there may be a requirement for local underpinning walls. Alterations are likely to include installation of Catering Kitchen, Cafe, Roller-skating multi use track, Climbing Tower, Performance area, Toilets, Wash Room, Secure Lockers and a Lift.

Initial investigations into condition of fabric, assisted by David Narro Associates and Alder Specialist Building Surveyors, lead us to conclude that there has been severe water ingress from failed rainwater goods for a number of years which has resulted in most if not all of the structural timbers built into the external walls having decayed and in need of repair. The East and West side elevation walls of the main church space are saturated due to 10 no failed internal lead gutters and associated hoppers and downpipes resulting in severe decay and failure of the lath and plaster linings. Similarly, the 2 no box gutters between the 3 street facing towers/spire have also failed resulting in localised saturated walls and failed lath and plaster linings and decay of timber lintels below. Furthermore a localised area of the North East gallery floor has decayed and has resulted in a local exclusion zone.

The roof over the former Vestry at the rear of the building has started to collapse and as a result this area was an exclusion zone until the slates could be safely removed from above to allow further safe investigation of the roof timbers below. .

An approx. 100mm gap has opened up between roof and crow stepped gable masonry pediment over main entrance, opening of joints in buttresses to the front elevation and the failed and internally propped mullion to east traceried window has resulted in a proposed exclusion zone to upper front gallery and requires further investigation and repair.

A timber lintel over a lower west facing side window has been removed and temporary propping is required and a local exclusion zone required meantime. We propose that in order to stop the decay the initial priority is to stop the ongoing water ingress as this will allow the building to dry out whilst the plans for the proposed works are being developed and the necessary funds are sought. We propose where the cornice has not previously fallen away that the sections of lime cornice directly under the 10 circa 1.5m length internal lead gutters are carefully removed and set aside for repair/ replacement to allow the safe installation of temporary props, to structural engineer’s detail, directly below all 12 no (including 2 no between towers/ spire) internal gutters, to allow safe access onto roof, gutters to be cleared of all debris and waterproof acrylic (eg Acropol+) applied with reinforcing mesh as necessary to create temporary water proof repair. Carefully take down existing failed cast iron rainwater hoppers and downpipes and set aside for repair/ replacement and replace with temporary black 110mm PVC downpipes to terminate 1.5m from building footings. Internal decayed unsafe lath and plaster to East and West main church space to be removed to allow walls to dry prior replacement. Scaffold to be erected to rear stores (former Vestry) to allow slates and decayed timbers to be removed from above and the safe and careful removal of cornice to be set aside for reuse/ repair and removal lath and plaster to allow assessment and proposal of a restoration strategy.


Skate Ramp